Journal of Pollution Effects & Control

Journal of Pollution Effects & Control
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4397


A Case Study for the Assessment of Settleable and Suspended Particulate Material in Sand and Gravel Industry

Deniz Alkas

Natural aggregates, represent the main source of construction aggregates in Turkey and throughout the world. The processing of sand and gravel industry is one of the mineral products industries and generally lead the formation of sudden and intense particulate emissions. In this study, the results of the air quality measurements which were followed throughout one year in Istanbul Anatolian Side Sand Cooperative (IASSC) are summarized and the measuring methods are explained briefly. IASSC is a sand and gravel sales cooperative which was established near the residential area in Istanbul. For this reason, air quality measurement results are of great importance in terms of public health. The purpose of this air quality monitoring study is to determine the compliance with regulations taking into account potential impacts on human health and the environment. The suspended particulate matter and the settleable particulate matter parameters were monitored. At the end of the observation period, it is determined that, the average values for both of the parameters from the plant are compatible with the standards, but because of the results of especially settleable particulate matter parameter were under close proximity to the limits, some recommendations were made for increasing the air quality in the plant.
