ISSN: 2572-3103
+44 1300 500008
Ranahewa TH, Gunasekara AJM, Premarathna AD, Karunarathna SC and Jayamanne SC
Seagrasses are aquatic angiosperms located in shallow marine and brackish water environments and considered as a key environmental resource. Seagrasses are not only important as primary producers in aquatic environment but also they are important to protect coastal environment from erosion and provide environment to large number of species. This study was carried out to investigate the distribution of seagrass species in selected areas of Puttalam lagoon. Point transect method was used for data collection. Sites were randomly selected and three lines transects, perpendicular to shore were laid. Water quality parameters including water temperature (°C), pH, salinity (ppt), conductivity (mS/cm) and dissolved oxygen (mg/L) were also measured. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used and Minitab14 statistical software is performed for data analysis. There was a significant relationship between relative abundance of Halodule uninervis (Narrow) and Syringodium isoetifolium with water temperature respectively. Shannon-Wiener diversity index values indicated that diversity of Kalpitiya region and Kuringipitiya region was closely related whereas diversity of Paliwasalthurai was closely related to the diversity of Kandakuda. Zero diversity was recorded in Palavi which is composed of only Halophila ovalis. Moreover, it has been shown a relationship between of water quality and distribution of the seagrass species.