Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering

Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2165- 7866

+44 1300 500008


A Sales Management Decision Making System based on Possibility Theory

Mounes Asadi,Babak Shirazi and Hamed Fazlollahtabar

One of the crucial problems for Information Technology (IT) organizations is lack of the integrity of complex systems and the so-called island view. Its goal is sharing efficient and integrated data, applications and business processes in an organizational platform. Sales department is a vital unit for any organization, thus the efficiency of performance has a significant role in the overall performance of the organization. Also integrity of data and performance in this unit is very effective to improving organization performance. In this paper, we aim to design a process of decision support system for the integration of sales unit. Here, we examine the process in two steps in which the first step surveys the flow of information for sales activities in the form of an information flow. In the second step, according to data from the previous step and due to the uncertainty in the enterprise data it is determined to implement the rules of the system by the possibility theory that is a probabilistic mathematically theory in fuzzy logic. Thereby through this, the events that have effective role in the integrity of sales department are known and organization should focus on them to achieve their goals. Also, to use actual data of organization and to be able to use the results of the work objectively, we conducted a case study for implementation purpose.
