ISSN: 2161-0665
+44 1478 350008
Rajvinder Kaur, Sanjenbam Emon Chanu and Dipti Yashwantrao Sorte
Objective: The first objective of the study is to determine effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding home management of side effects of chemotherapy among parents. The second objective of the study is to find association between the pretest knowledge levels of parents with selected demographic variables.
Methodology: A quantitative research approach with quasi-experimental, one group pretest posttest design was used. The population for the study was parents of children receiving chemotherapy and the sample in the study was 51 parents of children receiving chemotherapy at cancer research institute, Himalayan hospital, SRHU. On the first day written consent was taken from the participants and collected the data by using tool 1-(demographic variables) and tool-2 (structured knowledge questionnaire) interview schedule. Same day structured teaching programme was given in the form of intervention. On the 7th day posttest was done by using same tool.
Results: The mean post-test knowledge score of parents is 22.45 ± 1.73 which was significantly higher than the pretest knowledge score 16.21 ± 1.99 there was a significant improvement in the knowledge of parents regarding home management of side effects of chemotherapy. Paired ‘t’ test was calculated to find the significant difference between means of pretest and posttest knowledge scores. The calculated ‘t’ value was 17.37 which is more than the table value 2.009. (df=50 at p<0.05). Chi-square test was performed to find association, only one variable relation with child was significant.
Conclusion: It was concluded that the structured teaching programme on home management of side effects of chemotherapy was effective in increasing knowledge of parents.