ISSN: 2165-7556
+44 1300 500008
Lea Sell, Andreas Holtermann, Angelika Hauke and Karen Søgaard
Background: Due to the complexity of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), comprehensive approaches targeting both the employee and the working environment are considered to be the most promising interventions for the prevention and reduction of MSD. Such comprehensive interventions are rarely scientifically investigated and evaluated. Aim: In this paper we evaluate a tailored ergonomic learning program for the development of low strain working techniques in respect to reducing the level of MSD among the employees at an industrial work place. Method: In one department (n=56) all employees were participating in either intensive or team based courses, depending on the degree of severity in MSD. In another department (n=51), only employees with a high degree of MSD were participating in a course. In addition, employees in 12 support departments (n=148) were used as a reference group. The physical work environment was adjusted according to the new working techniques. Results: There was a 33% reduction in the average number of pain regions (p=0.0389) among the employees in the department where all employees were participating in a course.