ISSN: 2167-0269
+44 1300 500008
Adventure tourism continuous to expand and become one of the largest and fast growing sector that contributed to the economy of nation. The growth of tourism sector in the global economy brought quick and dramatic change in the coming years as result of the technological development and advancement in air and sea. Tourist motivation was one of the utmost crucial factor that influenced one to make decision to travel away from home. Motivation is a part of need that can encourage people to participate in tourist activities. Motivation is the external factor that drew people to a particular travel destination. Over a selection of alternative destination. Motivation would be seen a driving internal and external force that influenced people to travel away from home which it was acknowledged. An important framework to examine the motivation on tourist visitation behavior was the push and pull factor. Tourist might have more than one motive in choosing a particular destination. The study also state that different push and pull motivational factor influenced people not only in making decision to travel but also in choosing the specific travel destination. Push factor that motivate people to leave their homes and pull factor which drew individual to travel to a specific tourism destination. Customer satisfaction is a short term emotional reaction to a specific service performance. Destination loyalty is the most important concept that plays a vital role in retaining tourist. Recommendation is described as the act of disseminating positive word of mouth to other. The paper will help us to understand how push and pull factor influence the tourists for decision making and push factor plays a vital role for in tourism.
Published Date: 2024-06-19; Received Date: 2019-12-26