Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences

Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-446X



Bio-banking: An Emerging Approach for Conservation of Fish Germplasm

Mukunda Goswami, Amit Mishra, Ninawe NS, Trudeau VL and Lakra WS

Global biodiversity is declining with substantial losses of populations, species and habitats causing a significant impact on human life. Holistic and integrated approach for biodiversity conservation requires concrete and urgent action. Although there is increasing concern over the loss of species and degradation of habitat, still more innovative efforts are required. Biobanking holds immense promise to provide biomaterial for conservation of fish germplasm. Establishment of repositories along with gene banks could provide opportunities for collaboration among the leading experts in the fields of fish ecology, physiology, and cryobiology to synthesize effective ways for conservation of fish genetic resources, and discuss what needs to be done to increase the impact in the next century. The article reviews different causes for loss of fish biodiversity, the ways to overcome the situation and advocates cell line repository as an alternative aid to conserve fish germplasm.
