Chemotherapy: Open Access

Chemotherapy: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-7700


Biochemical and Pharmacological Effects of Mitoxantrone and Acetyl-LCarnitine in Mice with a Solid Form of Ehrlich Tumour

Niang M, Soukup T, Bukac J, Siman P, Stoklasová A and Cerman J

Since the beginning of 1990, our Laboratories begun a series of in vivo experimental studies to evaluate the effect of carnitine derivatives on the antineoplastic activity of mitoxantrone (MX) a dihydroxyanthracene derivative on various animal models of cancer The objective was to determine pre-clinically whether carnitine and its acyl-derivatives in combination with mitoxantrone could be found to be good candidates to ameliorate host?s metabolic response to tumour processes, and therefore could play a valuable role in the field of cancer treatment.
