Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374


Bioterrorism Preparedness for Malaysian Environment

Vikneswaran M

The threat of bioterrorism focuses attention on overall preparedness to address the challenges posed by new and reemerging infectious diseases. Bioterrorism scenarios illustrate the diversity of disciplines and perspectives required to confront these threats, whether naturally occurring or purposely caused. Response to bioterrorism has become a vital agenda for Malaysian. As a Malaysian citizen we should be prepared and know how to response when bioterrorism attack occurs. The study was conducted to discover the possible threat and evaluate the readiness plans that are possible for the Malaysian environment. The responding plan were identified and recommended in this study. The study was conducted mainly through literature survey which was referred to main official documents as primary source, journals and books as secondary source. The study had some limitation in accessing to some of the classified documents especially from the government officials. In conclusion, there is a need to implement research and development that comes together with the involvement of various relevant agencies that are feasible in this process. Prevention needs to be impart right from the first stage. This is so important in terms of counter measure and control of bioterrorism activity.
