ISSN: 2311-3278
Tamanna Binte Zaman* and Moslehuddin Chowdhury Khaled
A great deal of discussion concerning the impact of global pandemic COVID-19 on business and management has been going on for more than one year. As businesses across different sectors are adjusting to the new COVID-19 lifestyle, rebuilding processes and readjusting priorities are ongoing. Certainly, the people management issues will be among the very crucial ones. We need to understand the changing landscape of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices as organizations strives to cope with newly altered work environment from a people management perspective. The paper outlines the changes in HRM practices around the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To consolidate the changing picture, the study has been conducted by reviewing and analyzing the secondary data sources like authoritative reports by globally reputed leading consultancy firms, working knowledge papers of leading business schools, and reports and analysis of trusted popular media. It is likely that many changes in HRM will be common across the countries. Work from home, adoption of automation and AI resulting the reduction of frontline workers, dependency on digital technology, imperative for resilience, support for work-life-balance, balancing profit and people, redesigning the talent management and recruitment process, embracing remote onboarding and socialization, reconceptualization of office and workplace, etc. Are just some of the changes in the HR landscape. This study aims to suggest several avenues for local context, which will help HR leaders to better adopt and adapt to the changes discussed.
Published Date: 2024-03-01; Received Date: 2024-01-29