Journal of Medical & Surgical Pathology

Journal of Medical & Surgical Pathology
Open Access

ISSN: 2472-4971


Clinicopathologic Study of Ewing’s Sarcoma in 82 Sudanese Patients Diagnosed at Histo Centre/ Khartoum (2013-2018)

Ala Elidrisi*, Sawsan Abdelraheem and Azza A Abdelsatir

Ewing’s sarcoma is the second most common childhood bone neoplasm, which is considered rare in African population. This is the first study in Sudan. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the clinical and histo-morphological findings of these tumours and to compare the results with similar studies. A retrospective cross-sectional study was done, conducted over 6 years’ period on 82 cases diagnosed as ES/PNET at Histo-Centre located in Khartoum state. Twenty-six of them were found to have CD99 immune-stain and ten cases have PAS special stain, data were collected, H and E, PAS and CD99 stained slides were examined by light microscope. Data analysis showed that the peak incidence of ES/PNET occurs between 5 to <18 years (58.5%) with a Mean age: 16.9 years. It shows obvious male predominance accounting for 64.6% of cases. The majority of cases are intra osseous tumour, with only 11% of cases are extra osseous, the lower limb is the most common site accounting for 54.9% of the cases, followed by the flat bones of the pelvis 13.4% with the vertebra and the skull being the least common sites accounting for 1.2% each. In clinical presentation 74.4% presented with localized swelling, 34% as localized pain, Fever and pathological fractures were the presentation in 2.4% and 3.7% respectively and none of the study population were presented as metastatic disease. Microscopic examinations of the H and E stained slides showed that 57.3% of the cases are ES devoid of neural differentiation while the rest are PNET showing some degree neural differentiation devoid of neural differentiation, among PNET cases, Homer Wright rosette were the most common rosettes in about 70% of cases. Focal areas of atypical features were found in 15.9% of cases with the pleomorphic large cells and spindle cells being the most commonly encountered features. Necrosis is present in 52.4% of cases. PAS was positive in 9 out of the 10 cases. While all the 26 cases with CD99 stained slides were positive, only 61.5% showed diffuse strong membranous positivity. In Conclusion although the demographic features and clinical presentations of ES/PNET in the study population were found to be similar to other global and regional studies finding 82 cases/6 years in single centre makes its rarity among African nations doubtful.

Published Date: 2020-08-31; Received Date: 2020-07-10
