ISSN: 1948-5964
+44 1300 500008
Mrudula Phadke*, Uday Bodhankar, Yashwant Patil and Pramila Menon
Covid-19 (Corona virus disease of 2019) is creating havoc in the world. It has resulted in overburdening of health systems, has detrimental effects on income, food systems, social systems and world economies. Covid-19 infection and the subsequent lockdown in many countries including India are likely to produce collateral damage to jobs, housing, and migration and of course nutrition. As per global statistics this year, one in nine persons is hungry and one billion people world over doing not have enough food to eat. Estimates show that 135 million people have been hungry before the pandemic and by the end of 2020; the figure is likely to be 265 million.
As of now, when no effective vaccine or drug is available to combat the disease; the world is left to fight this disease with two weapons. The first is social distancing of two meters, repeated hand washing for twenty seconds with soap and water and face cover with face shield. The second weapon is our healthy immune system. Good health adds life to years and years to life. Immunity depends on various factors, one of which is nutrition. Nutrition is the backbone of good health.
Published Date: 2020-10-12; Received Date: 2020-09-20