Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics

Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics
Open Access

ISSN: 0974-276X

+44 1223 790975


DecoyPyrat: Fast Non-redundant Hybrid Decoy Sequence Generation for Large Scale Proteomics

James C Wright and Jyoti S Choudhary

Accurate statistical evaluation of sequence database peptide identifications from tandem mass spectra is essential in mass spectrometry based proteomics experiments. These statistics are dependent on accurately modelling random identifications. The target-decoy approach has risen to become the de facto approach to calculating FDR in proteomic datasets. The main principle of this approach is to search a set of decoy protein sequences that emulate the size and composition of the target protein sequences searched whilst not matching real proteins in the sample. To do this, it is commonplace to reverse or shuffle the proteins and peptides in the target database. However, these approaches have their drawbacks and limitations. A key confounding issue is the peptide redundancy between target and decoy databases leading to inaccurate FDR estimation. This inaccuracy is further amplified at the protein level and when searching large sequence databases such as those used for proteogenomics. Here, we present a unifying hybrid method to quickly and efficiently generate decoy sequences with minimal overlap between target and decoy peptides. We show that applying a reversed decoy approach can produce up to 5% peptide redundancy and many more additional peptides will have the exact same precursor mass as a target peptide. Our hybrid method addresses both these issues by first switching proteolytic cleavage sites with preceding amino acid, reversing the database and then shuffling any redundant sequences. This flexible hybrid method reduces the peptide overlap between target and decoy peptides to about 1% of peptides, making a more robust decoy model suitable for large search spaces. We also demonstrate the anti-conservative effect of redundant peptides on the calculation of q-values in mouse brain tissue data.
