Annals and Essences of Dentistry

Annals and Essences of Dentistry
Open Access

ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X

+44 1223 790975


Dental World 2018: Apicoectomy of endodontic treated teeth with abnormal root state: Case report - a root fractured upper central incisor due to trauma and complex root canal anatomy in maxillary posterior tooth - Hyerin Shin - St. Vincent Hospital -

Hyerin Shin

Confronted with the bombed past endodontic treated teeth, the careful endodontic methodology is the lone option aside from extraction where re-endodontic treatment is inconceivable. Apicoectomy is one of careful endodontic treatments, particularly performed for teeth with the unusual root state. The point of this show is to show the treatment result through apicoectomy. The first case: A 19-year-old male with manifestations of torment and gingival expanding of upper right focal incisor. Clinical assessment and past dental history uncovered an endodontic treatment followed by post after the root broke because of injury previously.

Apicoectomy alongside evacuation of apical part in the broke root were performed. Following 1 year, despite the fact that there was clinically worthy versatility because of the abbreviated root, the tooth was adequately kept up without torment and inflammatix side effects. The second case: A 27-year-old male with the manifestation of a gum bubble without torment in upper left first molar, played out the endodontic treatment 5 years prior. The periodical radiography and Cone Beam CT showed the apical sore of the mesiobuccal root with complex life structures, the winding zenith of MB root made the root waterway treatment inadequate beforehand. The appropriate treatment technique picked for this case was apicoectomy as re-endodontic treatment would not guarantee victories because of apical twisting of the root. Apicoectomy of the MB root with apical twisting part resection was finished. There was no side effect repeated in half year exams and the periapical radiography showed the mending state with the diminished size of radiolucent sore.

At the point when a ROF is analyzed, the dynamic and the case determination measure require a mix of endodontic, just as periodontal, prosthetic, and tasteful contemplations (Tsesis et al. 2010a; Tsesis et al. 2010b). Numerous elements like the tooth area, presence of inclining periodontal sickness (Eichelsbacher et al. 2009), the sort of the coronal rebuilding (Tsesis et al. 2015; Iqbal and Kim 2007; Iqbal and Kim 2008; Torabinejad and Goodacre 2006; Torabinejad et al. 2008; White et al. 2006; Grossmann and Sadan 2005), the methods offered by current endodontic treatment, the choices in the event of treatment disappointment, posttreatment personal satisfaction, and patient's qualities should all be assessed and consolidated in the specialist's dynamic. The joining of these worries is crucial to accomplish a levelheaded and proof based treatment plan (Tsesis et al. 2015; Tsesis et al. 2010a; Iqbal and Kim 2008; Tsesis et al. 2010b).

In multi-established teeth with a ROF in one of the roots, there might be no motivation to endeavor to treat and safeguard the cracked root since there might be potential alternatives to cut off just the broke root (Livada et al. 2014). In any case, the endurance of single-established teeth relies principally upon the capacity to save the cracked root (Tsesis et al. 2015; Taschieri et al. 2010). Inclining periodontal sickness in a ROF tooth may antagonistically influence the capacity to typically keep up the tooth (Eichelsbacher et al. 2009).

Accordingly, an exhaustive clinical assessment to decide the presence and seriousness of periodontal sickness is subsequently reasonable (Avila et al. 2009). Inability to safeguard the broke regular tooth may bargain the style (Chang et al. 1999). Albeit in present day dentistry, osseointegration of inserts is promptly feasible with high long haul endurance rates (Abboud et al. 2013; Bashutski and Wang 2007; Butler and Kinzer 2012; Wheeler 2007), dental embed achievement ought to be judged additionally by tasteful results, and stylish consistency might be hard to accomplish. Besides, when embed disappointment occurs in the tasteful zone, it could be hard to be remedied totally (Tsesis et al. 2015; Abboud et al. 2013; Bashutski and Wang 2007; Butler and Kinzer 2012; Wheelers 2007).

By the by, periodontal tasteful complexities, like the improvement of gingival downturn and alveolar bone misfortune, may occur because of the surgeries during the endeavors to keep up the ROF tooth (Verardi 2012), particularly in patients giving a dainty periodontal biotype (Chang et al. 1999). In this manner, an exhaustive assessment of the tasteful periodontal contemplations ought to be a fundamental piece of the treatment arranging (Tsesis et al. 2015; Abboud et al. 2013; Avila et al. 2009; Bashutski and Wang 2007; Butler and Kinzer 2012; Wheeler 2007; Verardi 2012).

Published Date: 2021-02-22;
