ISSN: 2157-7595
+44 1478 350008
José LuÃÂs Pimentel do Rosário
Many musculoskeletal pains are related to poor posture. According to a number of authors, poor posture predisposes an individual to severe joint stress and increases muscle energy expenditure, thereby creating tensional stress in these structures. Muscular Chain Therapy (MCT) is a technique that uses modified yoga positions to treat postural pathologies, among others, fitting these yoga positions into the Mézières concept of muscular chains. The body works as a whole chain and these chains can be subdivided into the following: Posterior Chain; Inspiratory Chain; Hip Adductor Chain; Arm Internal Rotator Chain; Arm Adductor Chain and Arm Elevator-Abductor Chain. The aim of the present study was to review Muscular Chain Therapy assessment and treatment, and how it works in terms of treating postural deviations and related musculoskeletal pain.