Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0487

+44 1478 350008


Explain the Causal Relationships between Family Risk Factors and Attitudes toward Substance use and the Mediating Role of Social Problem Solving

Monireh Parsian* and Somayeh Kamali Eagli

When adolescents are taught the skill of social problem solving as a mediating variable in relation to the variables of parenting and family styles, adolescents’ attitudes toward drug use in adolescents will be reduced. They were selected from the Cochran’s formula and examined. Then, questionnaires including Bamrind parenting styles, attitudes toward addiction, social problem-solving skills in both adaptive and maladaptive dimensions, and a socioeconomic level questionnaire were administered. To evaluate the research results, statistical method of path analysis was used and to evaluate the adequacy of the model, appropriate statistical indicators were used. Based on the results of this study, the components of parenting styles, the component of maladaptive social problem-solving skills and the component of attitudes toward addiction have no significant effect on attitudes and drug use, but the component of adaptive social problem-solving skills has no significant effect on attitudes and drug use. This article will provide statistical reasons for the impact of parenting styles and family variables on social problem-solving mediation on adolescent addiction attitudes.

Background and purpose: Drug use is one of the most important and serious issues at the international level, which has been studied from various aspects. Drug use is a multifaceted phenomenon that affects all fundamental pillars of society. Numerous studies have highlighted risk factors and protectors such as family and individual factors against drug use. However, few studies have emphasized the role of mediators such as social problem-solving skills. Therefore, this study was designed to predict the attitude of drug use in adolescents based on risk factors of family education with the mediation of social problem solving skills in attitude to addiction in order to design a model to explain the tendency to drug use.

Methods: In this study, which was a descriptive and correlational study, the study population was students from all educational levels in Ghaemshahr. A total of 378 people were selected using the Cochran’s formula. Then the questionnaires that are included the parenting styles, Bam rind parenting styles (33 questions), addiction attitudes (53 questions), social problem-solving skills (55 questions), a socio-economic level questionnaire was administered to them. In this study, statistical method of path analysis was used. To evaluate the adequacy of the model, Kay Do index, normalized fitness index, adaptive fitness index, fitness index, square root of estimation error, adjusted fitness index, incremental fitness index and abnormal fitness index were used.

Findings: In estimating the coefficients of the effect of family socioeconomic status (with 2.35=2.35 trajectory coefficient) in predicting the attitude towards drug use in adolescents, there is a direct, positive, and significant relationship. Also, in estimating the impact coefficients of adaptive problem-solving skills (1.63, path coefficient 1.33) in predicting attitudes towards drug use in adolescents, direct and positive but meaningless relationship and incompatible problem solving (, t=3.39 0.27 path coefficient) in Predicting attitudes toward drug use in adolescents is a direct, significant, and negative relationship, and in estimating the effects of parenting styles (t=-2.48 trajectory coefficients). -19) There is a direct, negative, and significant relationship in predicting attitudes towards drug use in adolescents.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the components of parenting styles the component of incompatible social problemsolving skill and the component of attitude towards addiction on attitude and drug use have a significant relationship. Drug use is not a significant relationship.

Published Date: 2021-06-04; Received Date: 2021-05-14
