Journal of Tumor Research

Journal of Tumor Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2684-1258

+44 1223 790975


Female adnexal tumour of probable Wolf?an origin arising from ovary: A case report and review of literature.

Chaya Prasad, Sanjeev Kulkarni

Female adnexal tumors of probable Wolf?an origin (FATWO) are rare and present a diagnostic challenge due to their morphological and immunehistochemical overlap. It was ?rst described in 1973 by Kariminejad and Scully as it’s a single tumour. It originates from mesonephric remnants, occurring in the broad ligament, mesosalpinx, fallopian tube, ovary and peritoneum. The clinical behaviour of FATWO is generally benign, but malignant cases do exist. Less than 90 cases having been reported worldwide. Here we present a rare case of FATWO arising from ovary and review the literature based on the pathological and immune his to chemical results.

Published Date: 2020-09-11; Received Date: 2020-08-31
