Journal of Stock & Forex Trading

Journal of Stock & Forex Trading
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9458


Framework to enhance the current degree of efficiency in the management of ground water and springs in Mpumalanga province


The nature, relevance and appropriateness of entrepreneurship education have been subject to increasing scrutiny and also have a key role to play in the economic development of a country (Lee, 2007). Entrepreneurship is usually considered as a force for change, innovation, and development in modern economies. Since entrepreneurship skills remain crucial in the real sector and the sustenance of economic development, it has become exigent for policy makers to pay attention to this sub-sector. Bruyat and Julien (2016) were of the view that not only do entrepreneurship act as a catalyst to national economic advancement but also as a panacea to the rising unemployment rates. In Ghana, about 50% of university graduates are unable to find jobs for three years post-graduation (Owusu-Ansah, 2012). The problem is said to be attributable to the disequilibrium between the inadequate employable skills by these graduates and the labor market requirements. Over the last decades, the educational curriculum in Ghana has been restructured to include entrepreneurship education to address the essence of tertiary education and unemployment (Owusu-Ansah, 2012). A wide range of several factors has led to the resurgence of interest in entrepreneurship in Europe, Africa, America and many other countries across the other continents. In recent years, many industrialized countries have suffered from economic and high unemployment rates. In Ghana, the recent economic recession has led to the takeover of two other local banks in August, 2017 and the fusion of five banks to form the Consolidated Bank of Ghana due to their liquidity crises and inability to meet the Bank of Ghana requirements (Ghanaweb 2018- 09-28).

Published Date: 2021-01-15;
