Autism-Open Access

Autism-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7890


Gamification Does Not Replace Sensory Integration Training in Autistic Children

Amira Hussin Mohammed* and Amel El said Abdel Karim

Background: Autistic children had various behavior limitations. These limitations result from defects in interaction and integration of perceptual and sensory processing.

Aim: Our study aimed to determine whether gamification replace sensory integration training in autistic children or not.

Methods: Thirty children (nineteen boys and eleven girls) suffering from autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) conducted to this study. They were divided randomly into two age and sex matched groups. Each child in group I applied Wii training for (30 min, three sessions per week for 6 months). Each child in group II conducted to sensory integration program (30 min, three sessions per week for 6 months).

Results: Post treatment mean values of the calculated variables were compared and revealed significant promotion in fine motor skills for both groups with favor of sensory integration group.

Conclusion: Virtual reality games do not replace sensory integration and open environment training in autistic children.
