Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344



Generalized F-Shah-Rathie distribution and applications

Ronald T. Nojosa,Fel´ıcio R .F. da Silva and Pushpa N. Rathie

In 1974, Shah and Rathie defined and studied a generalized-F density function (GFSR). This paper deals with this density and obtain its distribution function, mode, moments, reliability function P(X < Y ) when X ∼ Dagum and Y ∼ GFSR are independent, order statistics, Marshall-Olkin-Shah-Rathie distribution, and generalized gamma and beta-generated distributions. Maximum likelihood estimates are derived and applied to three real problems involving (a) Failure times of the air conditioning system, (b) Failure times of the Kevlar 49/epoxy strands with preasure of 90%, and (c) Bladder cancer patients data. The results show that the GFRS distribution is a good proposal for modeling these data sets.
