Advanced Techniques in Biology & Medicine

Advanced Techniques in Biology & Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2379-1764


Genetics Confounding the Diagnosis of Glaucoma or Myopia

Dr.Atanu Majumdar

Any practitioner managing glaucoma would have faced the challenge of diagnosing and treating high myopes who resembles glaucomatous but don’t have raised IOP. Several studies like Blue Mountain Eye Study, the Beijing Eye Study have confirmed that myopes are more likely to have glaucoma. Attempt to set guideline with an aim to segregate patients having high myopia with glaucoma from patients having only high myopia. Certainly cross sectional diagnosis for glaucoma would be tricky, particularly with myopic nerves, hence every possibility that some myopes are misdiagnosed as having glaucoma.


Published Date: 2020-09-18;
