Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems

Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0419

+44 1300 500008


Health Information System Security Privacy in View of Interoperability

James Ochieng Ogalo*

Health records involve unique data which are highly subjected to privacy right security checks and its disclosure may lead to violation of this right and therefore cannot be implemented without additional consideration. The health care community has long recognized the potential for health information technology systems in its management, thus improving clinical and health care while reducing costs and this has synergized the access to health care services and information. The mobility in health care provision demands the need for sharing of patient data and this require interoperable health information Technology infrastructure, privacy and security of the resource and this will enhance stakeholders trust and promotes health information interoperability diffusion. It has been noted that the major challenge in the integration of Health Information Record Management system is interoperability and practitioners in a private practice may have difficulty obtaining complete information about a patient who is currently being hospitalized. The study established that interoperability and privacy issues still stands out as the major hindrance to sharing of health care records. There is a need for closer collaboration and trust between the major stakeholders in the industry focusing on their inclusivity in working toward the achievement of interoperability and privacy concerns.

Published Date: 2021-08-10; Received Date: 2021-08-20
