ISSN: 2319-7285
+44 1300 500008
Pushpinder Kaur
The world is becoming more and more integrated. What started with greater trade openness is translating into growing global economic integration and interdependence, as transnational movement of people and capital accelerate and information become even more accessible. Technological developments are rapidly changing the way people learn, work and communicate. Globalization advocates premise their arguments for increasing external liberalization on the beneficial outcomes in terms of economic growth, employment and human welfare. Over the times, women in India have faced many problems. They do not enjoy equal status and their condition is far from satisfactory. There is need to evaluate the impact of globalization on gender equality in India and also to know the positive & negative impacts of it on the position of women in India at present. It not only impacted countries, nations but also impacted each and every creature; human being is also one of them. The largest impact has been on the women and focus of my paper will be on women & globalization.