Journal of Stock & Forex Trading

Journal of Stock & Forex Trading
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9458


Impact of volatility and spillover effects over banking sector

Abdullah Shadab

It is significant for banking institutions to comprehend the challenges associated with volatility and spillover, which the present study intends to identify and offer a significant recommendation on the basis of the Indian Economic sector. In relation to the context, this study highlights the impact of volatility and spillover the banking sector studies them on the context of Indian Economy in a comprehensive way. In addition, the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis through a case study approach has been considered for the study in order to accomplish the overall objective of the study. This study would contribute towards the economy of the India in terms of the banking industry by analyzing the impact of volatility and spillover in a detailed manner. In relation to the scope of the present study, certain objectives of the research are sorted out. It will help to explore the requisite challenges associated with volatility and spillover on the Indian banking sector. It will also help to comprehend the influence of volatility and spillover on the banking sectors of India towards the Indian economy. It will offer related recommendations to the Indian banking institutions for mitigating the impact of volatility and spillover. Volatility and spillover are referred to as the process and magnitude through which instability in one market affect other markets. It has been well stated by Akhtaruzzaman et al. (2014), that an understanding of inter-market volatility spillovers assists regulators of the banking sector in formulation effective policies as well as strategies to manage financial stability. In addition, such financial stability is significant to maintain specifically when the stress of the market gets transmitted to other markets leading to the risk of systematic instability. Other than that, Alemany et al. (2015) volatility spillovers assist international portfolio managers and international investors in the pricing of securities and deciding significant strategies for diversification and trading of their investment portfolios. Furthermore, exchange rate volatility highly contributes towards increasing uncertainty of the rate of return, which affect economies of both home and foreign markets. On the other hand, Allen et al. (2013) argued that there positive unpredictability and overflow impact on the financial area, notwithstanding, the term is applied to the negative impact of a nation of origin has on different pieces of the world. Moreover, the overflow and unpredictability impacts of the bigger economy are moderately high towards the worldwide economy contrasted with the lesser economy. Henceforth, it is critical for banking foundations to understand the difficulties related with unpredictability and overflow, which the current examination plans to recognize and offer a huge proposal. Comparable to such setting, this examination features the effect of instability and overflow over the financial investigation in an extensive manner. Also, the utilization of subjective and quantitative examination through a contextual analysis approach has been considered for the investigation so as to achieve the general goal of the investigation. According to the scholarly region, the current examination would help future analysts to create inside and out comprehension and information about the effect of unpredictability and overflow over the financial area. Likewise, the data that has been shared through the investigation would likewise offer another measurement for the financial area to moderate the difficulties related with instability and overflow. Other than that, this investigation would contribute towards the economies of the worldwide world as far as the financial business by examining the effect of unpredictability and overflow in a point by point way. According to the extent of the current examination, coming up next are the goals of the exploration

Published Date: 2020-10-22;
