ISSN: 2167-0587
Massive landslides, mostly in the form of shallow and deep-seated rotational slumps, translational debris slides, rock slides, planar slope failures and incipient slides, some of which turned into debris flows, occurred in the Municipality of Bula in Camarines Sur. These landslides were triggered by heavy to torrential rains brought about by strong typhoons that hit the municipality. Most of the landslides and incipient slides occurred in the southwestern hilly portions of Bula, particularly in the barangays of Caorasan, Itangon, Inoyonan, San Francisco, Bagoladio, Taisan, and Kinalabasahan. Landslide events within the said barangays mainly occurred on steep to very steep river valley walls, on moderately dissected high hills and along road cuts. The study aims to classify between areas that are critical or susceptible to landslides and areas free from landslide. The latter can be maximized by the Local Government Unit of Bula for potential development. It also aims to determine the percent population exposed to different susceptibility rating. Weights of evidence model using GIS and pair-wise analysis between the landslide inventory and parameter maps was used in the study. The parameter maps include the geology, geomorphology, gradient, aspect, curvature, land cover, soil and proximity to major faults, road cuts, and major rivers/streams. Susceptibility zones were determined using natural breaks that includes the absent, low, moderate, and high. The fifth susceptibility rating is the actual landslides mapped in the municipality thru ground truthing and remote sensing. The results showed that LGU Bula have areas that are 11.3%, 24.6%, 21.6% and 0.1% susceptible to low, moderate, high and very high to landslides while the remaining 42.4% has zero possibility of landslide. Exposure analysis showed that there are several barangays that have high percentage of population exposed to low, moderate and high to very high landslide susceptibility.
Published Date: 2024-12-24; Received Date: 2024-11-21