Sociology and Criminology-Open Access

Sociology and Criminology-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4435



Media Intelligence

Karabo Motswagae

Introduction: Artificial intelligence is data in ability to present current ongoing situation in active environment of work. In time momentarily, the eye may see all transactions ongoing, internal and external data conversion visually appealing to the eye sight of analyses. Artificially, graphic information may display all the information acquired from the data in summary, therefore, artificial due to the presentation. However, if calculation is brought to mathematical future of data, then intelligence does not become artificial, but real, however, in the intelligent information given to the user of the future.
Body: Within example, the number of hashtags on twitter during a particular period, if interpolation is done by the processor of the number of tweets hash-tagged to the time, the future may be concluded on the number of oncoming hashtags at a specific time. Giving information to what is currently known about a person and what will be known in future, on social media. The same scenario applies to any media online and will be applicable the same way. In addition, interest accumulated by a bank within a certain quarter, given by financial reports, if interpolated calculation is done on that date and comparatively matched with another, future may be known on accumulated interest of any bank on any day. Effectively becoming real intelligence instead of artificial, due to knowledge of what is coming realistically, and what may be executed.
Conclusion: To conclude, example may be the business intelligence of payment gateway (Virtual Card Service) to conclude the summative income graphically of the oncoming event and current operations. Visual information may be intercepted digitally to see forwarding interest on action networking in media and accordingly acted nationally.
