Journal of Defense Management

Journal of Defense Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0374


Mil-Spec Biomass Reality

Mordechai Ben-Menachem*

Reports of military activity in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern areas showed a very high rate of casualties amongst those involved in transport of goods to bases, with fuel transport, the worst of the worst. The most direct way to significantly alleviate this situation is to avoid transport of massive quantities of goods. This means that some goods, those that can be, will in future be produced in situ, particularly for large bases, but even for smaller ones. This can also be so for war ships; again, particularly for large ones, but also for small. And, if transport of fuel is the most dangerous of logistic jobs, it is obvious that this is where this new thinking ought to begin. ‘Luckily’ it is also the easiest place to begin. Can energy be practically produced at military bases, under military conditions? This article shows that large portions of energy/fuel may be produced locally, even in very small and remote bases. This article shows that Military biomass systems are both possible and viable, both saving many lives and tremendous costs.
