Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9792



NACA653218 Airfoil Aerodynamic Properties

Khalil EE*,Abdelghany ES,Abdellatif OE,Elhariry G

In this research we have obtained the drag and lift coefficients, velocity, pressure and path lines contours using CFD which can also be determined by using wind tunnel experimental test. This process is relatively difficult and surely price more than CFD technique cost for the same problem solution. Thus we have gone through analytical method then it can be validated by experimental testing. A CFD procedure is described for determination aerodynamic characteristics of subsonic NACA653218 airfoil. Firstly, the airfoil model shape, boundary conditions and meshes were all formed in GAMBIT® 2.3.16 as a pre-processor. The second step in a CFD model should be to examine the effect of the mesh size on the solution results. In order to save time take case for a grid with around 100000 cells. The third step is validation of the CFD NACA653218 airfoil shape model by different turbulence models with available experimental data for the same model and operation conditions. The temperature of free stream is 288.2 K, which is the same as the environmental temperature. At the given temperature, the density of the air is ρ=1.225kg/m3, the pressure is 101325 Pa and the viscosity is μ=1.7894×10-5 kg/m s. A segregate, implicit solver is utilized (FLUENT® processor) estimate were prepared for angles of attack variety from -5 to 16°. The Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is more accurate than standard k – ε model, RNG k – ε model and standard model k–ε models. For lift coefficient, it is found maximum error by Spalart-Allmaras model about 12% lower than other turbulence models. For drag coefficient, it is found maximum error by Spalart-Allmaras model about 25% lower than other turbulence models. For pitching moment coefficient, it is found maximum error by Spalart-Allmaras model about 30% lower than other turbulence models.
