
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0915


Normalising Homosexuality

Zaskia Elena Andrea

Homosexuality is not broadly accepted in many societies of the world, including mine located in
Santa Cruz Bolivia. Personally, I have studied abroad and been exposed to different people and ways of thoughts
and now returning home I can only wish to share my understanding with the rest of my people. Since most of their
unacceptance is due to uneducated guesses or simply the lack of education on the topic, I have decided to approach
this, including the basic assumption I have made on the education or exposure to homosexual couples. Therefore, I
decided on starting a project dedicated to the education and acceptance of openly homosexual people and couples.
The mode of the project is questionaries' and a few sets of talks and demonstrations to a public of different views.
The tests will be taken separately by members of the LGBTQ and those who attend the talk.

Published Date: 2020-11-28; Received Date: 2020-11-04
