ISSN: 2593-9173
Prakash Kondekar*
Plants play important role in Human Health and longevity. Our body contains Plasma which carry substances like hormones, vitamins, amino acid and antibodies and also contains proteins called clotting factors that help the blood to coagulate. Balance of Saliva, Mucus and cerebrospinal fluids, is also important for overall health of a person. So we will see how plants are associated with our health. The earliest land plants date back to around 3.70 Billion years before. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million. They have major impact on Mankind. The impact of the Moon and its rotation around the Earth has many effects on life on the Earth and Mankind. Earth Science taught the Mankind, how to take care of the Nature and obtain the benefits of the atmosphere through plants so as to have a smooth life
Published Date: 2021-06-10; Received Date: 2021-05-20