Journal of Theoretical & Computational Science

Journal of Theoretical & Computational Science
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-130X


Practical Troubles Appear on Computer Architecture on the Interface User (Desktop) Operations

Zahir Alhashami

This paper describes the troubles and problems appear by indication of what are occurring on the Graphic User Interface (GUI). Any operation happen indication for system case and the Architectural case for the users. During use operations and the usual programs are used speed and response could see the global case of machine system. Every peripheral storage device (main or secondary) also could be indication for system state need troubleshooting or not. Opening and closing some programs and type of operation could check what is problem and trouble what is. Practical operations in a network or not could appear the irregularity of this proposal. The Used Methodology is checking operations users use like storage, inputting and outputting, data transferring, doing equations and connect the peripherals devices. These operations are done with considering global computer system case and another conditions regard system controlling of other units.
