ISSN: 2161-0932
Cornell Umobert*, Hernandez Santos JR and Belcaro G
Background: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a very common disease in females, and safe treatments are stillneeded.
Objective: To treat symptoms of PMS using a combination of natural products at low dosages following the conceptsof Physiological Modulation.
Methods: Twenty two female affect by PMS were admitted and treated with a combination consisting of calcium,Vitamin D, lycopene, astaxanthin, and citrus bioflavonoids (Formula A28) in comparing with placebo. Twotablets/day were given at the moment of symptoms appearance and for the following three days.The scoring of somatic and behavioral symptoms (in total 32) was applied using a scale between 0 (no symptom) to 4(maximum expression of the symptom). The main variable to be measured was the sum of the scores (total score).
Results: Formula A28 was effective in reducing by 75% the total score (t-test p<0.05) and each of the symptoms(somatic and behavioral) was significantly reduced (p<0.05 U Mann Whitney test) from the 63% (anxiety) up to 96%(indecision). Colic pain was also consistently reduced (83%).
Conclusion: The approach to reduce symptoms of PM Susing Physiological Modulators was found to be effective.
Published Date: 2020-03-15; Received Date: 2020-02-27