ISSN: 2564-8942
Cigdem Bozkir
Statement of the Problem: Anemia and obesity are defined as a public health problem by World Health Organization(WHO). It is reported that obesity and iron deficiency are related to each other. A multifactorial etiology has been reported, including decreased bioavailability of iron, its association with body weight and reduced iron absorption
due to excessive adipose tissue. It has been reported that increased adipose tissue causes iron deficiency by decreasing iron absorption in women and children. The aims of this research are: detecting to prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) on overweight and obese women and on the effect of IDA on dietary treatment.
Methodology: The research group consisted of overweight (Body Mass Index (BMI)=25-29.9 kg/m²) and obese
women (BMI ≥30 kg/m²) who applied to Malatya Public Health Directorate Wellness Center. Overweight and obese
women who accept to participate in the study were given medical nutrition (diet) treatment. The study group was
followed up for 3 months within the scope of diet therapy program.
Findings: The prevalence of IDA was 61.7% in obese women and 38.3% in overweight women. It was observed that
the frequency of IDA increased as the BMI level increased but the difference was not statistically significant. The total
weight loss of women was examined as percentage, it was determined that those without anemia lost 13.68% of their
body weight and 11.96% of those with anemia (p<0.05).
Conclusion & Significance: IDA was determined in 29.2% of women. At the end of 3 months, it was observed that the weight percentages of those without anemia were higher. IDA is thought to slow down the weight loss process due to its possible effects on metabolism. Therefore, the treatment of obesity and the lack of micronutrients such as
anemia require a holistic approach.
Recent publications:
1. Bozkir C, Ozer A and Pehlivan E (2016) Prevalence of obesity and affecting factors in physically disabled adults
living in the city centre of Malatya, BMJ Open 6(9):e010289.
2. Tekin C, Bozkir C, Karakas N and Gunes G (2016) The relation between the body perceptions and eating habits
of the students in Inonu University. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 24(1):1-9.
3. Bozkir C, Tekin Ç, Mete B, Nacar E and Ozer A (2015) Communication Skills, Empathic Tendencies and
Affecting Factors of Assistant Physicians in Inonu University Faculty of Medicine, Medicine Science Journal
4. Tekin C, Bozkir C, Sazak Y, Ozer A (2014) Family Physicians Working in the City Center of Malatya, Family
Health Staff, Family Medicine Practices, Job Satisfaction Levels and Influencing Factors, Firat Medical Derg /Firat Med J; 19 (3): 135-139
Published Date: 2021-07-01;