Enzyme Engineering

Enzyme Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6674

+44 1223 790975


Quality of Nursing Care among in-Patient of Medical-Surgical Ward in Axum St. Marry Hospital, Tigray, Ethiopia 2015

Hadgu Gerensea, Kidist Solomon, Mulugeta Birhane, Berihulay G Medhin, Tekia H Mariam, Kibra Guesh and Senait Mekonen

Background: Nurses are the frontline people that patients most likely meet up with, spend the highest amount of time with and rely upon for recovery during their hospitalization. They are a key part of any healthcare team, and the way they perform their jobs has a real impact on healthcare quality.
Objective: Objective is to assess the status of quality of nursing care among inpatient of Medical-Surgical ward in Axum st. marry Hospital Axum town, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Methods: A cross sectional study design was used. The required sample size was takien by using convenience sampling. The study population was adult patients who were admitted into the medical and surgical wards of study Hospitals for at least two nights. The data collection tool was a modified ‘Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale’ (NSNS) and NDNQI. Ethical clearance was secured from Axum University. The qualitative data was examined by observation.
Result: A total of 110 adult patients from medical and surgical wards were approached from the study hospital. Participants who admitted in medical ward were more satisfied. The overall rating of nursing care quality was 65%. The top aspects of care scored highest were medicine administration and nurses keep personal information confidential. The aspects of care which scored least were patient observation; pressure ulcer prevention and the amount of information nurses give about their condition. The need of improving interpersonal relationship of nurses with their patients and improving their care was recommended.
