Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research

Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0983


Review on Fasciolosis, its Effect on Meat Quality/Hazards and Economical Importance

Atinafu Regasa* and Molla Seboka

Fasciolosis is a parasitic disease caused by commonly known species of liver fluke that are Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica that affects most population of ruminants and exists worldwide. The disease is characterized by both acute and chronic forms of liver lesion. Acute fasciolosis is associated with migrating of immature flukes through the liver parenchyma and chronic fasciolosis is accompanied by weight loss, decreased meat and milk production. The disease aggravation depends on distribution of intermediate hosts Lymnaeidae snail species in areas where cattle and sheep produced. Abattoirs are important in terms of assurance of the quality of meat and meat products for human consumption. More importantly, abattoirs aim at controlling animal and zoonotic diseases. The investigation of fasciolosis at abattoirs has provided useful information regarding the prevalence of diseases and the economic losses caused due to liver condemnation worldwide. Presence of liver fluke appears associated with lower weight, carcass conformation and fatness score deteriorate when liver fluke is present. Carcasses of animals infected by Fasciola have poorer conformations, lower fat scores, and less weight gains than carcasses of non-infected cattle. According to international researchers report, Fasciola infect more than 300 million cattle and 250 million sheep worldwide and causes significant economic losses to global agriculture estimated at more than US$3 billion annually through production loss, such as a reduction of milk and meat yields. Productivity and economical losses due to fasciolosis are incurred through a combination of factors, either through death of stock or reductions in meat and milk quality, growth rate and reproductive capacity, finally carcass quality and liver condemnations. This shows the significant impact of fasciolosis on production and affects the economy. Therefore, it is desirable to strengthen control measures for the disease in order to minimize these losses.

Published Date: 2021-07-22; Received Date: 2021-07-01
