Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932


Successful Pregnancy in a Woman with Chronic Kidney Disease Due to Autosomal Polycystic Disease- A Case Report

Mbamara SU, Mbah I C and Eleje GU

For several decades, the outlook for pregnancy complicated with chronic kidney disease has been gloomy especially in less developed countries. The relationship between kidney disease and pregnancy is complex as pregnancy may affect the maternal disease progression to end-stage kidney disease and the kidney disease and its treatment also may affect pregnancy and fetal development. We report a case of successful pregnancy in a woman with chronic kidney disease due to autosomal polycystic kidney. Counseling of women with autosomal polycystic disease should include modes of inheritance, prenatal diagnosis, pregnancy complication, management options and prognosis.
