Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0269

+44 1300 500008


The Development of Weaving Village Model as the Destination of Education in Indonesia

Sri Murni, Rahmawati* and Sri Wahyu Agustiningsih

Tourism and the creative economy play an important role in supporting the development, especially the improvement of the economic level of the community, especially the community in the area that has tourism potential. Tourism development is now more directed to the concept of educational tourism. This is because educational tourism activities are expected to be a means of socializing and fostering a sense of pride and love for culture and nation. This study aims to obtain the development model of educational tourism weaving as a new tourist destination. The basic problem in developing the model of this woven tourist village is (a) the absence of clear format from weaving development, and (b) the development of the model of tourist village of weaving as an alternative new tourist destination with the educational tourism concept. The research method used interview and filling questionnaire. The first step is before the various training and development of entrepreneurship orientation and the second step after it was done. Respondents in this study are 40 craftsmen. Based on a review of these four aspects, it can be seen that training on finance, marketing and production can enhance the entrepreneurship orientation. The increased value of these three aspects indicates that the training applied can be used as a model in developing the tourist village of weaving as an edutourism village. The next test is to examine the effect of financial, marketing, production, and organization aspects on the entrepreneurship orientation. Test results obtained that the aspect of marketing is an aspect that has a significant influence in improving entrepreneurship orientation. Meanwhile, based on interviews with respondents, entrepreneurship orientation showed above average value. This shows that the company must be creative in developing its business.

Published Date: 2019-10-11; Received Date: 2019-08-24
