Sociology and Criminology-Open Access

Sociology and Criminology-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4435



The Mundas an ethnic community in the south-west coastal region of Bangladesh: Buno/kuli/Sarna/Horoko, Indigenous people during the British period coming from Ranchi

Shaiful Huda*

The Munda’s are an ethnic community of the Kingdom of Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans. They are called ‘Sarna/Buno/Kuli/Horoko and indigenous People. During the British period, they travelled to Bangladesh from Ranchi, and have been here ever since. They practice religion and culture. They are excellent in singing, dancing, drinking, and working. They believe in ghosts and spirits- both good and bad and call on them to either help someone who is sick or to do damage to another person. Their cemetery is called ‘Masna’. They dedicate Hen for the rituals celebration for their God (Sing Bonga-The Sun). They believe that, after death the soul come back at their home and save them danger. They follow their forefather’s direction. During the festivals, they serve rice wine (Haria/Tari). They are addicted Rat’s meat, Snails etc. They speak in ‘Mundari/Nagri/Sadri’. Their greeting word is ‘Johar’.

Published Date: 2021-07-29; Received Date: 2021-07-08
