Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs

Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0761

+44 1300 500008



A recent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan that started in September 2020 reflects unhealed scars of the past history. The past of the Soviet Era, along with its preconditioned confrontation with the West that stirred up the lives of many nations, even 100 years later, causes new wounds, unsettlement, and deepens deprivation of humanity. The new development in Armenia and Artsakh (Karabakh) is an apparent example of the swaying standards of humanity, which is tilted toward monetary investments, political partnership, disguised under the religious curtain, and questions the validity of these standards themselves that are posed by the top players on the global arena.

105 years ago, during the Armenian Genocide, the World pretended they did not know what was happening in Armenia, they would rather close their eyes and ears… In reality, all countries’ governments were well aware: Europe knew, Russia knew, and the United States as well.

Of course, at that time, the World was ignited by the fire of World War I (WWI), 1914- 1918, and every country involved was occupied by their active military tasks and strategies to euchre their opponents. What a clever idea to start a Genocide against Armenians, when the whole World is busy with their own aches…

The initiated by Ottoman Turks ethnic cleansing and deaths of millions of Armenians, Turkey officially attributed to the ongoing war. There was a plethora of reasons to conduct a Genocide against Armenians at that particular period. Behind the most obvious differences hindered in distinct religious backgrounds between the Christian Armenians and Muslim Turks, there was more practical motivation. The Armenians in Ottoman Turkey possessed the most concentrated capital in the country, above 55%. Indeed, Armenians were extraordinarily productive in all the areas of banking business, trade, industry, pharmacy, education, as well as hand-workers, or masteries. Turkish people always felt the superiority of Armenians, who presented the elite of their society. What to like about it? On the other hand, many scholars believe that the Turkish ideology at that historical period was supported by some particular European countries. Germany, for instance, was an ally of Turkey during WWI, and was well aware of the insidious Turkish ambitions. Although, Germany should be credited for officially confessing their input, despite continuous Turkish rejections. Thus, being backed up by Germans, Turks unleashed their actions and wiped off most of the Armenian population from the historical Armenian lands.

Yes, the entire World remained silent and pretended that they were unaware of these tragic events in Armenia. All the blame those days was going to insufficient information.

September of 2020 stirred up a new wave of the Armenian Genocide. This time, not unintentionally, coinciding with another global problem – the pandemics. While the World is busy dealing with growing cases of COVID-19, Azerbaijan, supported by its ally Turkey, starts another war against Armenians.

Published Date: 2021-10-10;
