Journal of Clinical Toxicology

Journal of Clinical Toxicology
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0495

+44 1478 350008


Toxicological Assessment of Aqueous Extract of Moringa Oleifera and Caulis Bambusae Leaves in Rabbits

Isitua CC and Ibeh IN

Twelve age-matched healthy adult male Chinchilla rabbits (2.0 ± 0.5 kg BW) were divided into three equal groups (two treatment and one control groups). The treatment groups were given 2.5 mL and 5.0 mL of aqueous extract of the leaves of Moringa oleifera and Caulis bambusae by oral intubation, while the control group received 5.0 mL of the vehicle of extraction (sterile distilled water) and examined for 30 days. The effects of the leave extracts on the heamatological parameters, selected liver enzymes, insulin level and body weights of the affected rabbits were analyzed. There were significant increases in CD 4 cells (p<0.01), lymphocytes (p<0.05) and a decrease in neutrophils (p<0.05). There was an enhancement in the activities of acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase in rabbits exposed to 2.5 mL of the extract. There was no significant difference in the histology of major organs, weights and the physical and behavioral pattern of both test and control rabbits.
