Advances in Medical Ethics

Advances in Medical Ethics
Open Access

ISSN: 2385-5495

+44 1300 500008


Use of biological, plant substances in chronic diseases as well as in the treatment of cancer as a supplement to classical therapies including hyperthermia: From the kitchen to the clinic

Sahinbas Huseyin

The treatment of chronic diseases, including cancer, is very complex and requires a coordinated interaction of all disciplines. In my experience, there are no real alternative therapies. The success comes from the right combination of treatment options from many areas. In case of failure of the Hypericin treatment inhibited NF-kappaB (potent antiinflammatory agent).??? Ginger has a potential preventive property against some chronic diseases, especially diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease [CHD], hyperlipidemia, cerebrovascular disease, fatty liver, anemia, and tumor). Daily ginger consumption was associated with decreased risk for hypertension and in other chronical diseases. Etc.....We have more possibilities to help or cure our patients in combination and personalised medicine.??? Ivabradine ??? recommended if patients are in sinus rhythm with a HR>70bpm??? Hidralasine and isosorbid dinitrat ??? recommended as alternative to ACEIs/ ARBs if neither is tolerated, or if the 
patient remains symptomatic despite treatment BB, ACEIs (or ARBs) and MRAs??? Digoxin ??? recommended if patients associated atrial fibrillation of flutter with increased ventricular response, or if the patient is in synus rhythm bur intolerant to BB, or remains symptomatic despite treatment BB, ACEIs (or ARBs) and MRAs??? Nutritional supply by Q10-coenzyme, B1 vitamin, carnitine and taurine.The diuretic treatment in patients with HF is only recommended for congestive symptoms relieve and maintain euvolemia. While the pharmacological arsenal of HF with reduced LVEF is nowadays vast, in patients with HF with preserved or mid-range LVEF no treatment has proved reduction in mortality or morbidity. IN this patients diuretic treatment is recommended for symptom relieve, treatment of associated co-morbidities (HT, CAD, AF, etc). In conclusion, the pharmacological treatment available today has improved the morbi-mortality and functional capacity of HF patients, but due to its inherent limits, a significant proportion of 
patients remain symptomatic with frequent re-hospitalizations, an limited functional capacity and still a high mortality rate.guidelines treatment or in case of recurrence there are limited treatment possibilities.What to do now? That is the question!Few new treatments are available:

1. Hyperthermia is an innovative method in treatment of cancer and chronic diseases, well studied and auspicious, showing considerable enhancement of therapeutic success. The result of experimental and clinical studies point out that hyperthermia is an ideal integrative/complementary therapy and a potent sensitizer for phyto-, radio- or chemotherapy.Hyperthermia is an very potent issue in detoxification, chronically diseases e.g. skin diseases, Burn-out- Syndromes, Immune deficiency, lime disease and many more indications in combination.
2. Phytopharmacons (plant origin, herbal medicine, some examples)??? Curcumin, a natural compound commonly found in the food spice turmeric, has been shown to have excellent anticancer activity via various molecular and cellular pathways, and has attracted much attention for its potential use as a nontoxic anticancer agent. Curcumin has a very sprite indication in many chronicle, cancer and auto immune diseases. C. treatment inhibited NF-kappaB (potent antiinflammatory agent).??? Vitamin C thousands of publication in medical papers with success in inflammatory, infections, auto immune, chronicle diseases and cancer??? Hypericine has been shown to be able to induce apoptosis and radiosensitize tumor cells, and to have antiinflammatory and phototoxic skin effects. 

Published Date: 2021-05-15; Received Date: 2021-04-21
