Journal of Research and Development

Journal of Research and Development
Open Access

ISSN: 2311-3278



Valorisation of Psammophytes in the Tlemcen Region (Oranie-Algeria)

Bouazza M*, Stambouli MH and Hassani F

This study is devoted to the analysis of psammophytes the mountains of Tlemcen. These courses are well represented and are mainly related to the significance of sand deposits and the presence of gypsum and salt. This study was conducted on the basis of phytosociological surveys to determine the close affinity of different plant groups. Second, the knowledge of this rich flora can make proposals leading to the preservation and improvement of these fragile environments, in order to limit damage and to promote their development in a rational way. To value psammophytes species we have achieved 24-50 per station surveys; and each measurement was conducted in a floristically homogeneous surface. This is a set of 71 phytosociological relevés and 181 species in the Monts de Tlemcen Zarifet station; Ouled- Mimoun; Nedroma and Sid Djilali. For this analysis we will focus on ecological determination of the floristic diversity and syntaxonomic analysis which will be devoted to the description of phytosociological units encountered. Analysis of the A.F.C showed 02 plant groups represented by: A very diverse vegetation settles to fix these dunes giving birth to live dunes more or less related to the fixed des. Therobrachypodietea class. The Sidi Djilalistation is characterized by a dune xeric environments Nebkhas kind determined by the species Ziziphuslotus. Using phytosociological and phytodynamiques data, we could understand the evolution of this vegetation, and diversity
