Advances in dairy Research

Advances in dairy Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-888X

+44 1300 500008

Advances in dairy Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Advances in dairy Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Advances in dairy Research has got h-index 18, which means every article in Advances in dairy Research has got 18 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Advances in dairy Research.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

66 10 16 23 33 19

Year wise citations received

234 197 170 139 83 99
Journal total citations count 1315
Journal impact factor 6.15
Journal 5 years impact factor 8.44
Journal cite score 8.73
Journal h-index 18
Journal h-index since 2019 17
Important citations (758)

hurtado-lugo na, nolasco c, jácome nj. study of non-genetic effects that influences the milk yield in mestizo goats. injournal of physics: conference series 2019 nov (vol. 1388, no. 1, p. 012040). iop publishing.

omar s, mat-kamir nf. isolation and identification of common bacteria causing subclinical mastitis in dairy goats. international food research journal. 2018 sep 1;25(4).

youssif n, hafiz n, halawa m, aziz h. genes conferring antimicrobial resistance in cattle with subclinical mastitis.

hanuš o, roubal p, kučera j, klimešová m, jedelská r, kopecký j. somatic cell count and milk yield losses in goats. acta universitatis agriculturae et silviculturae mendelianae brunensis. 2017 sep 1;65(4):1149-60.

abascal cg. milk hygiene in small ruminants: a review. spanish journal of agricultural research. 2017;15(4):11.

oravcová m, mačuhová l, tančin v. the relationship between somatic cells and milk traits, and their variation in dairy sheep breeds in slovakia. journal of animal and feed sciences. 2018 may 30;27(2):97-104.

jagadeesh ds, puttamallappa rk, gowda h, keregallokoppalu lm. prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis in cattle and effect on milk quality. adv. anim. vet. sci. 2016;4(5):237-40.

gonzalo c. milk hygiene in small ruminants: a review. spanish journal of agricultural research. 2018 feb 7;15(4):05-2.

lôbo am, lôbo rn, facó o, souza v, alves aa, costa ac, albuquerque ma. characterization of milk production and composition of four exotic goat breeds in brazil. small ruminant research. 2017 aug 1;153:9-16.

nikkhah a. dry and periparturient cow adaptation to optimized starch assimilation. j nutr health food eng. 2017;7(1):228.

nikkhah a. improving dairy cow health through optimizing starch nutrition: a postmodern perspective. int j vet health sci res. 2016 feb 8;4(2):86-7.

nikkhah a. dry and periparturient cow adaptation to optimized starch assimilation. j nutr health food eng. 2017;7(1):228.

ramunno l. variabilità di geni candidati per il miglioramento quali-quantitativo del latte bufalino e individuazione di marcatori associati a differenze nella loro espressione. i georgofili. 2015(5):61-84.

dos santos ca, almeida ir, porto br, ribeiro filho dl, maia fp. efeito da ordem de parto e do estádio de lactação na frequência de mastite bovina em rebanhos mestiços de holandês e gir. caderno de ciências agrárias. 2018 dec 29;10(3):18-25.

celaya-michel h, anaya-islas j, barrera-silva má, barrales-heredia sm, nieblas-lópez m, osuna-chávez rf, ibarra-zazueta c, lópez-robles g, heredia-castro py, sosa-castañeda j. extractos hidro-etanólicos de plantas comestibles como alternativa para controlar bacterias patógenas, parásitos e insectos en la industria pecuaria. biotecnia. 2019 apr 1;21(2):47-54.

orozco rm. avaliação do mastoparano-l e seus derivados frente a.

gospodarek-komkowska e. comparison of the effectiveness of dipping agents on bacteria causing mastitis in cattle. annals of agricultural and environmental medicine. 2019;26(1):39-45.

kurjogi m, mohammad yh, alghamdi s, abdelrahman m, satapute p, jogaiah s. detection and determination of stability of the antibiotic residues in cow’s milk. plos one. 2019;14(10).

chakraborty s, dhama k, tiwari r, iqbal yatoo m, khurana sk, khandia r, munjal a, munuswamy p, kumar ma, singh m, singh r. technological interventions and advances in the diagnosis of intramammary infections in animals with emphasis on bovine population—a review. veterinary quarterly. 2019 jan 1;39(1):76-94.

cheng wn, jeong ch, seo hg, han sg. moringa extract attenuates inflammatory responses and increases gene expression of casein in bovine mammary epithelial cells. animals. 2019 jul;9(7):391.
