Advances in Pediatric Research

Advances in Pediatric Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2385-4529

Advances in Pediatric Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Advances in Pediatric Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Advances in Pediatric Research has got h-index 16, which means every article in Advances in Pediatric Research has got 16 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Advances in Pediatric Research.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Total published articles

29 21 31 25 19 10 19 17 9 26 9

Research, Review articles and Editorials

6 16 6 16 17 8 19 17 9 26 8

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

7 4 23 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Conference proceedings

0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

126 142 129 133 126 67 50 29 17 3 0
Journal total citations count 811
Journal impact factor 3.38
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.62
Journal cite score 3.90
Journal h-index 16
Journal h-index since 2019 15
Important citations (127)

burgess if, brunton er, burgess na, burgess mn (2017) neem-silicone lotion and ultrasound nit comb: a randomised, controlled clinical trial treating head louse infestation. biomedical dermatology 1:8.

guo yanjun, liu jingjing, wan yixing, yang xin, he jialin, et al. (2018) the regulation of kv1. 1 and kv1. 3 channel subtypes on mesenteric microarteries in mice. j third mil med univ 40:190-197.

helmi ew, amiruddin r, thaha il (2018) factors associated with obesity prevention efforts among the senior high school students in makassar city. inproceedings of the international conference on healthcare service management pp. 212-215.

hafez lm, el-gawad mm, elgaddar oh, yousif ab (2018) studying a possible relationship among serum leptin, serum zinc and bmi in children. alexandria journal of pediatrics 31:1.

el mazahi mm, mohamed ia, emran tm, aboelenin hm, elsayed im (2018) dietary habits and serum lipid profile in overweight and obese children. j nat sci 16:13-18.

ahmad mm, buhary bm, al mousawi f, alshahrani f, brema i, al dahmani km, et al. (2018) management of acromegaly: an exploratory survey of physicians from the middle east and north africa. hormones 17:373-81.

albataineh sr, badran ef, tayyem rf et al. (2019) dietary factors and their association with childhood obesity in the middle east: a systematic review. nutrition and health 25:53-60.

al-hussaini a, bashir ms, khormi m, alturaiki m, alkhamis w, alrajhi m, et al. (2019) overweight and obesity among saudi children and adolescents: where do we stand today?. saudi journal of gastroenterology official journal of the saudi gastroenterology association 25:229.

aljaaly ea (2017) a screening program for overweight status among schoolgirls in saudi arabia: a proposed co-design project to tackle the problem. journalism 7:225-43.

al-thani m, al-thani a, alyafei s, al-kuwari mg, al-chetachi w, khalifa se, et al. (2018) prevalence of physical activity and sedentary-related behaviors among adolescents: data from the qatar national school survey. public health 160:150-5.

patel mm, liddell jl, ferreira rj (2018) an evaluation of the positive action program for youth violence prevention: from schools to summer camps: from schools to summer camps. child and adolescent social work journal 35:519-530.

hussain ws, zakyaly na (2018) effect of upsee mobility device on hip joint angle in spastic diplegic childern.

alkon a, boyce wt, neilands tb, eskenazi b (2017) children’s autonomic nervous system reactivity moderates the relations between family adversity and sleep problems in latino 5-year olds in the chamacos study. public health front 5:155.

cheng hl, sainsbury a, garden f, sritharan m, paxton k, luscombe g, et al (2018) ghrelin and peptide yy change during puberty: relationships with adolescent growth, development and obesity. j clin endocrinol metab 103:2851-60.

anastácio gd (2017) ingestão energética nas principais refeições e fatores associados em crianças de baixa condição socioeconômica atendidos em unidades de saúde de porto alegre (doctoral dissertation).

oyeyinka at (2016) nutritional, sensory and functional properties of a bhambara groundnut complimentary food (doctoral dissertation).

oyeyinka at, pillay k, siwela m (2017) consumer awareness and acceptability of bambara groundnut as a protein source for use in complementary foods in rural kwazulu-natal. south afr j clin nutr 30:87-92.

weishof se (2019) play and speech therapy in schools: toward a model of interprofessional collaborative practice. inearly childhood development: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications pp. 186-216 igi global.

hoffman dj, bigoni a, carrieri a (2019) epidemiology of early nutrition and adult health: metabolic adaptations and body composition. inearly life origins of ageing and longevity pp. 3-22.

petrelli b (2017) retinoic acid deficiency during gastrulation induces craniofacial malformations in mouse resembling fetal alcohol syndrome.
