Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research

Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2593-9173

Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research has got h-index 9, which means every article in Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research has got 9 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Total published articles

30 36 30 25 15 17 55 28 16 14 14 16 28 10 2

Research, Review articles and Editorials

4 17 18 15 10 14 53 27 15 12 14 16 27 10 2

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

2 14 10 10 0 3 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0

Conference proceedings

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

81 85 115 117 81 32 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Journal total citations count 364
Journal impact factor 4.15
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.39
Journal cite score 2.00
Journal h-index 9
Journal h-index since 2019 9
Important citations (181)

Okudu, h. o., ifeanacho, m. o., abasieekong, s. k., & nwachukwu, r. c. (2020). nutrients and organoleptic properties of finger millet (eleusine caracana) biscuits enriched with soya bean (glysine max) and carrot (dausus carota). journal of dietitians association of nigeria, 11(2), 35-42.

Barde, a., badau, m. h., agbara, g. i., & adam, f. m. (2018). microbial count and amino acids profile of gurasa as affected by addition of pearl millet and cowpea. international journal of food science and nutrition, 3(4), 24-29.

Guénard?lampron, v., masson, m., & blumenthal, d. (2021). critical review of sensory texture descriptors: from pureed to transitional foods for dysphagia patients. journal of texture studies.

Oyet, g. i., & chibor, b. s. nutrient composition and physical characteristics of biscuits produced from composite blends of wheat, coconut and defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour.

Feyera, m. (2020). review on some cereal and legume based composite biscuits. international journal of agricultural science and food technology, 6(1), 101-109.

Rybalko, e. a., ostroukhova, e. v., baranova, n. v., peskova, i. v., & borisova, v. yu. (2020). development of a geoinformation database for researching the variation of main and secondary metabolites of grapes in connection with spatial distribution of agroecological resources. fruit growing and viticulture of the south of russia, (66), 149-167.

Akinyele, a. o. (2019). achieving sustainable development through silviculture: focus on tree domestication.

Iroko, o. a., asinwa, i. o., bolanle-ojo, o. t., rufai, s. o., & wahab, w. t. chlorophyll evaluation of mansonia altissima (a chev.) seedlings performance under different light intensities and soil textural classes.

Iroko, o. a., sowunmi, i. l., ajekiigbe, j. m., rufiai, s. o., & wahab, w. t. (2021). seed germination of faidherbia albida (delile) a. chev as influenced by different pretreatments. journal of applied sciences and environmental management, 25(7), 1305-1309.

Basha, k., girma, a., & dembi, k. (2021). pre extension demonstration of tef technologies at midlands of guji zone, southern oromia, ethiopia. international journal of energy and environmental science, 6(5), 116.

Jafarli, b.s. (2020). comparative study of chemical composition of muscle tissue of young goats and sheep. sciences of europe, (52-1 (52)).

Zhu, z., tian, z., & li, j. (2021). a streptomyces morookaensis strain promotes plant growth and suppresses fusarium wilt of banana. tropical plant pathology, 46(2), 175-185.

Singh, m., kumar, a., & pandey, k. d. (2019). biochemical and molecular identification of solanum lycopersicum l. temperature tolerant bacterial endophytes. biocatalysis and agricultural biotechnology, 22, 101409.

Fahad, m. a., khan, m. j., ahmed, s., & ali, i. (2021). water availability and productivity in the command area of improved/unimproved watercourses of civil canals in district peshawar. sarhad journal of agriculture, 37(3), 763-773.

Torres-cabrera, d., garcía-Águila, l., bermúdez-caraballoso, i., sarría, z., hurtado ribalta, o., delgado, e., ... & fernández martínez, o. (2020). respuesta morfo-agronómica y organoléptica de cinco cultivares de banano (musa spp.) en condiciones de campo. biotecnología vegetal, 20(1), 43-50.

Dhungel, k. u., & shakya, n. (2021). under nutrition among chepang children of chitwan, nepal. janaki medical college journal of medical science, 9(1), 61-66.

Parncutt, r., seither-preisler, a., & iles, a. (2019). live streaming at international academic conferences: ethical considerations. elementa: science of the anthropocene, 7.

Abdulahi, m., & yonus, a. (2020). bush encroachment control impact on rangeland vegetation in the southeast ethiopian rangelands. livestock research results, 834.

Gobelle, s. k. (2021). impacts of bush management on herbaceous plant diversity and biomass and, soil organic carbon and nitrogen in borana rangelands, southern ethiopia. journal of plant sciences, 9(2), 38-45.

Nishanbaev, s.z., bobakulov, kh.m., khotamzhonov, a. kh., okhundedaev, b.s., shamyanov, i.d., & tukhtaev, b.y. (2019). components of flowers and stigmas of crocus sativus introduced in uzbekistan. universum: chemistry and biology, (7 (61)).
