Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6488

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence has got h-index 18, which means every article in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence has got 18 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Total published articles

31 33 35 59 20 7 33 45 32 57 51 46

Research, Review articles and Editorials

0 5 21 10 10 6 15 32 18 35 30 35

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

14 27 9 50 10 1 17 13 14 22 19 11

Conference proceedings

0 10 15 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

106 171 205 219 203 183 181 167 183 84 40 33
Journal total citations count 1820
Journal impact factor 4.20
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.95
Journal cite score 5.95
Journal h-index 18
Journal h-index since 2019 14
Important citations (1140)

Wong cy. how does high-functioning autism (hfa) relate to addictive behaviors? a case illustration of two chinese adults in hong kong. international journal of mental health and addiction. 2018 dec 1;16(6):1394-403.

Copenhaver a, tewksbury r. interactions between autistic individuals and law enforcement: a mixed-methods exploratory study. american journal of criminal justice. 2019 apr 1;44(2):309-33.

althobaiti y. effects of modulating glutamate homeostasis in methamphetamine and alcohol co-abuse: potential therapeutic targets (doctoral dissertation, university of toledo).

Saloner r, paolillo ew, umlauf a, moore dj, heaton rk, grant i, cherner m, tmarc group. conditional effects of lifetime alcohol consumption on methamphetamine-associated neurocognitive performance. journal of the international neuropsychological society. 2019 jun 10:1-3.

Singh ak. alcohol interaction with cocaine, methamphetamine, opioids, nicotine, cannabis, and γ-hydroxybutyric acid. biomedicines. 2019 mar;7(1):16.

blaker al, yamamoto bk. methamphetamine-induced brain injury and alcohol drinking. journal of neuroimmune pharmacology. 2018 mar 1;13(1):53-63..

Corkery jm, loi b, claridge h, goodair c, schifano f. deaths in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender united kingdom communities associated with ghb and precursors. current drug metabolism. 2018 nov 1;19(13):1086-99.

Захаров СВ. Население России 2014.

Щёкотова АП, Булатова ИА, Падучева СВ. КЛИНИКО-ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ФИБРОЗА/ЦИРРОЗА ПЕЧЕНИ. Пермский медицинский журнал. 2018;35(5).

Schekotova ap, bulatova ia, paducheva sv. clinicodiagnostic problems of hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis. perm medical journal. 2018 dec 15;35(5):98-107.

Gold ms, badgaiyan rd, blum k. a shared molecular and genetic basis for food and drug addiction.

Guerri c, pascual m. impact of neuroimmune activation induced by alcohol or drug abuse on adolescent brain development. international journal of developmental neuroscience. 2018 nov 20.

Blackburn j, molyneux g, pitard a, rice cr, page mi, afshinjavid s, javid fa, coles sj, horton pn, hemming k. synthesis, conformation and antiproliferative activity of isothiazoloisoxazole 1, 1-dioxides. organic & biomolecular chemistry. 2016;14(6):2134-44.

Pascual m, montesinos j, guerri c. role of the innate immune system in the neuropathological consequences induced by adolescent binge drinking. journal of neuroscience research. 2018 may;96(5):765-80.

Ward rj, dexter dt, crichton rr. ageing, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. front biosci (schol ed). 2015 jun 1;7:189-204.

Crawford tn, thornton ac. alcohol use and multimorbidity among individuals living with hiv. aids and behavior. 2019 jan 15;23(1):152-60.

Suonpera e, matthews r, milinkovic a, arenas-pinto a. risky alcohol consumption and associated health behaviour among hiv-positive and hiv-negative patients in a uk sexual health and hiv clinic: a cross-sectional questionnaire study. aids and behavior. 2019 oct 29:1-0.

Kelso-chichetto ne, plankey m, abraham ag, ennis n, chen x, bolan r, cook rl. association between alcohol consumption trajectories and clinical profiles among women and men living with hiv. the american journal of drug and alcohol abuse. 2018 jan 2;44(1):85-94.

Tizabi y, getachew b, ferguson cl, csoka ab, thompson km, gomez-paz a, ruda-kucerova j, taylor re. low vs. high alcohol: central benefits vs. detriments. neurotoxicity research. 2018 nov 1;34(4):860-9.

Mujahid m. prevention is better than cure-aids: a short review. microbiol int j. 2016;1(2):108.
