Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6488

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence has got h-index 18, which means every article in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence has got 18 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Total published articles

31 33 35 59 20 7 33 45 32 57 51 46

Research, Review articles and Editorials

0 5 21 10 10 6 15 32 18 35 30 35

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

14 27 9 50 10 1 17 13 14 22 19 11

Conference proceedings

0 10 15 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

106 171 205 219 203 183 181 167 183 84 40 33
Journal total citations count 1820
Journal impact factor 4.20
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.95
Journal cite score 5.95
Journal h-index 18
Journal h-index since 2019 14
Important citations (1140)

Harvey, a., faulkner, g., giangregorio, l., & leatherdale, s. t. (2017). an examination of school-and student-level characteristics associated with the likelihood of students’ meeting the canadian physical activity guidelines in the compass study. canadian journal of public health, 108(4).

Godin, k. m., chacón, v., barnoya, j., & leatherdale, s. t. (2017). the school environment and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among guatemalan adolescents. public health nutrition, 20(16), 2980-2987.

Stearns, j. a., carson, v., spence, j. c., faulkner, g., & leatherdale, s. t. (2017). the role of peer victimization in the physical activity and screen time of adolescents: a cross-sectional study. bmc pediatrics, 17(1), 170.

Patte, k. a., qian, w., & leatherdale, s. t. (2017). is binge drinking onset timing related to academic performance, engagement, and aspirations among youth in the compass study?. substance use & misuse, 52(13), 1795-1800.

Nasab, a. f., hamdieh, m., vahidi, j., & hosseini-zijoud, s. m. (2017). frequency of alcohol consumption by patients hospitalized in a general hospital in iran. journal of applied pharmaceutical science vol, 7(06), 132-135.

Razvodovsky, y. e. affordability of vodka and liver cirrhosis mortality rates in russia.

Razvodovsky, y. e. (2016). affordability of vodka aсчndliver cirrhosis mortality rates in russia.

Головко, А. И., Головко, Е. С., Иванов, М. Б., & Баринов, В. А. (2017). Лиганды систем транспорта моноаминов как перспективные фармакологические средства для лечения наркоманий, вызванных психостимуляторами. Наркология, 16(2), 54-65.

Gurevich, v. v., & gurevich, e. v. (2018). gpcrs and signal transducers: interaction stoichiometry. trends in pharmacological sciences.

Neelima, k. research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences.

skalny av, tinkov aa, berezkina eu, kiyaeva eb, alidzhanova ie, shitova ev. mineral composition of serum of pregnant women affecting alcoholism (i and iii trimesters). trace elements in medicine. 2015; 16 (4): 51-4.

Onyango, t. o., mburu, d. n., ngugi, m. p., kamau, j. k., & juma, k. k. (2017). effects of maalox plus® antacid and purecal® calcium supplements on haematological and biochemical parameters of rats subjected to alcohol intoxication. j alcohol drug depend, 5(265), 2.

Chandini, p. (2017). serum electrolytes levels in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome. journal of contemporary medical research, 4(5), 992-997.

Christopoulou, e. c., filippatos, t. d., megapanou, e., elisaf, m. s., & liamis, g. (2017). phosphate imbalance in patients with heart failure. heart failure reviews, 22(3), 349-356.

Jang, c. w., park, h. k., & kim, h. s. (2016). central and extrapontine myelinolysis after alcohol withdrawal and correction of hypernatremia in a chronic alcoholic: a case report. brain & neurorehabilitation, 10(1).

Naafs, m. a. b. (2017). hypocalcemia in the critically ill: a mini-review. endocrinol metab int j, 5(4), 00130.

Onyango, t. o., mburu, d. n., ngugi, m. p., kamau, j. k., & juma, k. k. (2017). effects of maalox plus® antacid and purecal® calcium supplement on physical characteristics, body weight, tissue minerals and histopathology of rats subjected to alcohol intoxication.

Palmer, b. f., & clegg, d. j. (2017). electrolyte disturbances in patients with chronic alcohol-use disorder. new england journal of medicine, 377(14), 1368-1377.

Lash, a. r. (2017). the lived experience of high-volume dating application users (doctoral dissertation, william james college).

Khairallah, a., farag, a. a., johar, d., & bernstein, l. (2017). endocrine imbalance associated with proteome changes in diabetes. journal of cellular biochemistry, 118(11), 3569-3576.
