
Kozo Fujisaki
Professor, Department of Frontier Veterinary Medicine
Kagoshima University, Japan
Kozo Fujisaki is a Professor of Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Department of Frontier Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University Kagoshima, Japan. Professor of Molecular Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious Diseases Course of Pathological and Preventive Veterinary Science, United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan. Visiting Professor of Molecular Arthropodology National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Japan. Honorary Professor Mongolian State, University of Agriculture, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, Adjunct Member of Institute of Arthropodology and Parasitology, Georgia Southern University Statesboro, GA, USA. He received a PhD in Agriculture from Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan, 1979. He completed his BA in Veterinary Medicine in Kagoshima University Kagoshima Japan in 1969. He received the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science Award in 1979 and the Japanese Society of Parasitology Katsurada Award in 2010. He is serving as an editorial board member of reputed journals and as a reviewer for many journals. He has nearly 270 publications to his name.
Research Interest
1. Identification and characterization of tick bioactive molecules involved in blood-meal digestion and innate immunity against tick-borne zoonotic pathogens. 2. Molecular epidemiology of tick-borne zoonotic diseases. 3. RNAi silencing and its application for vector arthropod control. 4. Biology of Ectoparasites in Animals. 5. Molecular Biology of Ectoparasites in Animals. 6. Biology of Protozoan Diseases, Theileriosis and Babesiosis, Transmitted by Ticks.