Applied Microbiology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2471-9315

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Applied Microbiology: Open Access : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Applied Microbiology: Open Access have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Applied Microbiology: Open Access has got h-index 13, which means every article in Applied Microbiology: Open Access has got 13 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Applied Microbiology: Open Access.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Total published articles

60 56 59 55 17 10 16 12 20 6

Research, Review articles and Editorials

1 17 12 10 14 7 5 10 19 5

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

39 39 47 45 3 3 11 2 1 1

Conference proceedings

0 0 9 0 0 17 90 104 49 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

102 150 170 142 121 84 56 51 23 23
Journal total citations count 961
Journal impact factor 2.83
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.64
Journal cite score 3.40
Journal h-index 13
Journal h-index since 2019 13
Important citations (282)

tin mt. awareness of pharamceutical waste handling practice in private hospitals (case study on chan aye thar zan township, mandalay district (doctoral dissertation, yangon university of economics).

chercos dh, dessie a, wami sd. hospital waste handler’s knowledge of health care waste management at gondar university hospital: an institutional-based cross-sectional study. ethiopian j health develop. 2018;32 4.

Adan sm, kikuvi g, mutai j. factors associated with biomedical waste management practices among healthcare personnel at mbagathi county hospital, nairobi kenya. adan sm, kikuvi g, mutai j. factors associated with biomedical waste management practices among healthcare personnel at mbagathi county hospital, nairobi kenya.

Ili?-Živojinovi? jb, ili? b, backovi? d, tomani? m, gavrilovi? a, bogdanovi? l. knowledge and attitudes on medical waste management among belgrade medical and dental students. srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo. 2019;147(5-6):281-5. iliÃ?â?¡-Ã?½ivojinoviÃ?â?¡ jb, iliÃ?â?¡ bb, backoviÃ?â?¡ d, tomaniÃ?â?¡ m, gavriloviÃ?â?¡ a, bogdanoviÃ?â?¡ l. knowledge and attitudes on medical waste management among belgrade medical and dental students. srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo. 2019;147 5-6:281-285.

Aung ts, luan s, xu q. application of multi-criteria-decision approach for the analysis of medical waste management systems in myanmar. journal of cleaner production. 2019 jun 10;222:733-45. aung ts, luan s, xu q. application of multi-criteria-decision approach for the analysis of medical waste management systems in myanmar. j cleaner produc. 2019 ;222:733-745.

Ili?-Živojinovi? j, ili? b, backovi? d, tomani? m, gavrilovi? a, bogdanovi? l. znanje i stavovi beogradskih studenata medicine i stomatologije o upravljanju medicinskim otpadom. srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo. 2019 jan;147(5-6):281-5.

Mang’erere mn. response of soil microbial communities to tillage, mulching and inorganic fertilization at kirege, tharaka-nithi county, kenya (doctoral dissertation, kenyatta university). mang’erere mn. response of soil microbial communities to tillage, mulching and inorganic fertilization at kirege, tharaka-nithi county, kenya (doctoral dissertation, kenyatta university).

Ríos-ruiz wf, valdez-nuñez ra, bedmar ej, castellano-hinojosa a. utilization of endophytic bacteria isolated from legume root nodules for plant growth promotion. infield crops: sustainable management by pgpr 2019 (pp. 145-176). springer, cham. ríos-ruiz wf, valdez-nuñez ra, bedmar ej, castellano-hinojosa a. utilization of endophytic bacteria isolated from legume root nodules for plant growth promotion. infield crops: sustainable management by pgpr 2019 pp. 145-176. springer, cham.

Gizaw b, zerihuntsegay gt, aynalem e, abatneh e, amsalu g. traditional knowledge on teff (eragrostistef) farming practice and role of crop rotation to enrich plant growth promoting microbes for soil fertility in east showa: ethiopia. agric res technol. 2018;16(5):556001. gizaw b, zerihuntsegay tg, aynalem e, abatneh e, amsalu g. traditional knowledge on teff (eragrostis tef) farming practice and role of crop rotation to enrich plant growth promoting microbes for soil fertility in east showa: ethiopia. agric res technol. 2018;16:556001.

Izaguirre-mayoral ml, lazarovits g, baral b. ureide metabolism in plant-associated bacteria: purine plant-bacteria interactive scenarios under nitrogen deficiency. plant and soil. 2018 jul;428(1):1-34. izaguirre-mayoral ml, lazarovits g, baral b. ureide metabolism in plant-associated bacteria: purine plant-bacteria interactive scenarios under nitrogen deficiency. plant  soil. 2018 ;428  1-2:1-34.

bajinka o. the inconsistences of quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction in diagnostics microbiology. acta scientific microbiol. 2018;1:27-31.

bajinka o, ucar f, abdelhalim ka, darboe s, jallow m. conventional microbiological approaches in identification of pathogenic bacteria and protozoons isolated from the drinking water of gambian province. scifed j  appli microbiol. 2018;1 1.

ramachandran r, muniyandi m. rapid molecular diagnostics for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in india. expert review of anti-infective therapy. 2018;16 3:197-204.

kurniawan e, jekti ds, zulkifli l. aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak metanol batang bidara laut (strychnos ligustrina) terhadap bakteri patogen. jbiologi tropis. 2019 ;19 1:61-69.

firoozeh f. gut microbiome and human health. int j enteric pathog. 2019;7 2:30-.

Alharbi, naiyf s. "screening of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci in the nasal cavity of patients and healthy individuals." saudi journal of biological sciences 27, no. 1 (2020): 100-105. alharbi ns. screening of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci in the nasal cavity of patients and healthy individuals. saudi j biol sci. 2019 may 29.

verlhac p, vessot-crastes s, degobert g, cogné c, andrieu j, beney l,et al. experimental study and optimization of freeze-drying cycles of a model casei type probiotic bacteria. drying technology. 2019;1-4.

Dar, mohd a., mohammad f. bhat, reyaz hassan, mubashir h. masoodi, showkat r. mir, and roohi mohiuddin. "extensive phytochemistry, comprehensive traditional uses, and critical pharmacological profile of the great mullein: verbascum thapsus l." the natural products journal 9, no. 3 (2019): 158-171. dar ma, bhat mf, hassan r, masoodi mh, mir sr, mohiuddin r. extensive phytochemistry, comprehensive traditional uses, and critical pharmacological profile of the great mullein: verbascum thapsus l. the natural prod. j. 2019 ;9 3:158-171.

Malla, muneer ahmad, anamika dubey, ashwani kumar, shweta yadav, abeer hashem, and elsayed fathi abd_allah. "exploring the human microbiome: the potential future role of next-generation sequencing in disease diagnosis and treatment." frontiers in immunology 9 (2019): 2868. malla ma, dubey a, kumar a, yadav s, hashem a, abd_allah ef. exploring the human microbiome: the potential future role of next-generation sequencing in disease diagnosis and treatment. frontiers in immunology. 2018;9.

Amakhobe tv, okoth s. mycoflora, aflatoxin, and fumonisin levels present in layer feed in nairobi county. african journal of biological sciences. 2021 oct 5;3(4):20-32. sana s. purification and characterization of aflatoxins produced by indigenous aspergilli under optimized conditions (doctoral dissertation, university of veterinary and animal sciences, lahore.).
