Applied Microbiology: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2471-9315

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Applied Microbiology: Open Access : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Applied Microbiology: Open Access have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Applied Microbiology: Open Access has got h-index 13, which means every article in Applied Microbiology: Open Access has got 13 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Applied Microbiology: Open Access.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Total published articles

60 56 59 55 17 10 16 12 20 6

Research, Review articles and Editorials

1 17 12 10 14 7 5 10 19 5

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

39 39 47 45 3 3 11 2 1 1

Conference proceedings

0 0 9 0 0 17 90 104 49 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

102 150 170 142 121 84 56 51 23 23
Journal total citations count 961
Journal impact factor 2.83
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.64
Journal cite score 3.40
Journal h-index 13
Journal h-index since 2019 13
Important citations (282)

Latifian e, cigdem ot, abanoz-secgin b, arslanoglu sf, asl?han kk. evaluation of antimicrobial activity ?n extracts of different parts of three tagetes species. turkish journal of field crops. 2021 jan 1;26(1):117-22.

Phan tc, le tt, hoang ht, nguyen t. antioxidant and antimicrobial activities on uropathogenic bacteria of asteraceae medicinal plants. biorxiv. 2019 jan 1.

Abdel-hamid ns, abdel-khalek hh, mattar za, abou-taleb ka, ramadan em. screening of some egyptian plant extracts for biological activity against some pathogenic bacteria. arab universities journal of agricultural sciences. 2017 sep 1;25(2):377-86.

Lakshmi p, chemmugil p, annamalai a. exploring the phyto-constituents of ruellia patula (acanthaceae) as antibacterial agent. ec microbiol. 2017;7(5):133-48.

Padalia he, rathod te, chanda su. evaluation of antimicrobial potential of different solvent extracts of some medicinal plants of semi-arid region. asian j. pharm. clin. res. 2017;10:295-9.

Sarmah p, dan mm, adapa d. antimicrobial resistance: a tale of the past becomes a terror for the present. electronic j biol. 2017;13(4).

Safar aa, ghafoor ao, dastan d. screening of chemical characterization, antifungal and cytotoxic activities of essential oil constituents of tagetes erecta l. from erbil, kurdistan region-iraq. polish journal of environmental studies. 2020 mar 31;29(3):2317-26.

Slobodianiuk l, budniak l, marchyshyn s, kostyshyn l, ezhned m. determination of amino acids content of the tagetes lucida cav. by gc/ms. pharmacia. 2021 nov 11;68:859.

Abdel-shafi s, al-mohammadi ar, almanaa tn, moustafa ah, saad tm, ghonemey ar, anacarso i, enan g, el-gazzar n. identification and testing of antidermatophytic oxaborole-6-benzene sulphonamide derivative (oxbs) from streptomyces atrovirens km192347 isolated from soil. antibiotics. 2020 apr;9(4):176.

Do?an m. bazi gidalardan ?zole ed?len bakter?ler?n prob?yot?k Özell?kler?n?n ara?tirilmasi (doctoral dissertation, ?stanbul aydin Ün?vers?tes? fen b?l?mler? enst?tÜsÜ).

Ozcan t, eroglu e. effect of stevia and inulin interactions on fermentation profile and short?chain fatty acid production of lactobacillus acidophilus in milk and in vitro systems. international journal of dairy technology. 2021 oct 9.

Wang c, liu q, ye f, tang h, xiong y, wu y, wang l, feng x, zhang s, wan y, huang j. dietary purslane (portulaca oleracea l.) promotes the growth performance of broilers by modulation of gut microbiota. amb express. 2021 dec;11(1):1-1.

Altunlu h. tuz stresi alt?ndaki biberde (capsicum annuum l.) mikoriza ve rizobakteri uygulamas?n?n bitki geli?imi ve baz? fizyolojik parametreler Üzerine etkisi. ege Üniversitesi ziraat fakültesi dergisi.;57(4):501-10.

Kadhum nh, hussein ka, sharqi mr. enhancement rooting response of vigna radiate l. cuttings in nacl toxicity by pseudomonas spp. producing acc deaminase. inaip conference proceedings 2020 dec 4 (vol. 2290, no. 1, p. 030005). aip publishing llc.

Saghafi d, lajayer ba, ghorbanpour m. engineering bacterial acc deaminase for improving plant productivity under stressful conditions. molecular aspects of plant beneficial microbes in agriculture. 2020 jan 1:259-77.

Sagar a, riyazuddin r, shukla pk, ramteke pw, sayyed rz. heavy metal stress tolerance in enterobacter sp. pr14 is mediated by plasmid.

Swarnalakshmi k, yadav v, tyagi d, dhar dw, kannepalli a, kumar s. significance of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in grain legumes: growth promotion and crop production. plants. 2020 nov;9(11):1596.

Meena m, swapnil p, divyanshu k, kumar s, tripathi yn, zehra a, marwal a, upadhyay rs. pgpr?mediated induction of systemic resistance and physiochemical alterations in plants against the pathogens: current perspectives. journal of basic microbiology. 2020 oct;60(10):828-61.

Solanki p, putatunda c, kumar a, bhatia r, walia a. microbial proteases: ubiquitous enzymes with innumerable uses. 3 biotech. 2021 oct;11(10):1-25.

Sharma sg, walia a, chauhan a, shirkot ck. statistical optimization of alkaline protease from bacillus amyloliquefaciens sp1. indian journal of experimental biology (ijeb). 2021 jun 30;59(06):421-32.
